Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!!

As 2013 comes to an end and I'm home and snug as a bug in a rug for New Years Eve, I was thinking of a few things.  This year we were able to go to West Virginia only 4 times.  We were so blessed to have a guy that mows our lawn in WV and keeps it looking so good.  This makes it so nice when we go down that we can concentrate on other things.  This year, since we have all our land cleaned up, we started on my dad's land.  We took my dad with us each time - and he enjoys it so much.  When we started cleaning up his land - he really jumped in and worked hard, and surprised me and Kevin.  He seemed to take a real interest in getting it done.  This year we were also able to get the tractor running.  My dad had a 1954 Ford NAA that had flat tires, a rusted gas tank, among other things wrong.  So Kevin spent many hours and many $$$ and it runs again.  My dad gave us the tractor about 3 years ago when he knew it was beyond his ability to fix up.  Funny story though.  Me and my dad went to WV by ourself.  Kevin was working and was going to stay with my mom.  Well my mom and Kevin had a really good time, and me and my dad got our job done in WV and came home a day early.  I do believe that my mom was a little upset that we can home a day early - since her and Kevin were having such a good time.  It was kind of cute.

This month was Jeff's Birthday (38 years old) and then there was Christmas.  I must say I have never seen anyone more appreciative of a gift than him.  He was able to come over and spend two days with us over Christmas.  We played Canasta.  A game that we hadn't played for years.  When we lived in IL we had friends that we played this game with about every weekend till the early hours of the morning.  Sometimes I would get on my jammies and we'd drive to their house, or Nancy would get on her jammies and they would drive to our house.  We laughed so much and we were like sisters.

We painted and laid ceramic and carpet this year and that is one of my loves.  Remodeling.  We have seriously been looking for a ranch for way to long.  I don't know if it will ever happen.  I figure at our age and in our position we should find the perfect retirement home.  We want to downsize, as we don't want to be a slave to our house anymore.

I have already taken down and put away all the Christmas decorations cause we had a couple really warm days to take down the outside lights.  My mother always said "If you take down your tree before New Years Day - you will have bad luck".  So that is something I always do NOW (leave up tree till "time to take it down", cause I do not need any bad luck.

I was talking to my nephew the other evening.  I always said I was getting a tattoo for my mom.  We were trying to come up with a design to "honor" my mother in ink.  I did not get that accomplished yet - so that is one thing I will make a priority in 2014.

Kevin did some consulting work this year again.  He has a good thing going with that.  He still hasn't gained back any of the weight he lost and they still haven't found out why he lost it - or why he can't gain it back.  (yea I'm going to outweigh him soon).

My dad has decided not to answer the phone to much anymore.  He also says he forgets to get up some days.  He told me yesterday at 3:30 pm - well I have to start getting ready to go to bed.  I asked what time he goes to bed - he said 6:30.  We were over there the other day and I noticed it was getting dark - and he kept looking at his watch about every 5 minutes.  Now I guess he was worried about when we were leaving so he could get ready for bed.

We are having frigid temps on this last day of the year with lots of snow.  I dread this long cold winter this year more than any.  Must be my age.  I am becoming more of a homebody it seems.  I need to change this "attitude" soon.

I wish you all a Very Happy New Year!!!!  

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