Tuesday, October 23, 2012


My dad was diagnosed over a year an a half ago with Alzheimer's.  I had been trying to tell the doctor for 3 years he had it.  The first time we discussed it at his doctors appointment - my dad told the doctor - "I don't have to listen to what she says - so she thinks I have Alzheimer's".  Of course my mom and Kevin totally agreed with me - but the doctor looked at me and said "there you have it".  I was so upset with her.  I let it go till it finally was so bad, and I took my dad back and told her it was time to listen to me.  She did a little "memory test", and now she believes me.  My dad is not a pill taker.  So he took the Aricept half the time.  I would count them and he would say the pharmacy gave him to many.  Well, this has went on for over a year and a half now.  His newest story (and he's sticking to it) is he quit taking those pills and he feels so much better.  Sleeps so much better.  He says to me all the time, his head is all messed up.

He is a mean Alzheimer's patient.  He yells at you at the drop of a hat.  He gets into arguments with neighbors, people turning around in his driveway, friends at Hardee's, ME. (Well he doesn't argue with me - he just YELLS at me).  He imagines things that aren't true.  He takes other peoples stories and makes them his own.  We have asked him to move in with us - but he always says he is to hard to get along with.  I tell him - all you do is go to Hardee's for breakfast and watch TV - how can that be hard to get along with.  Wondering if he will ever realize he really does need to move in with us and let us take care of him.  I think staying by yourself (especially during the dark winter months) just plays on your mind anyway.

Every time we go over to visit or help him - he has torn up something.  He thinks every thing is broken and a piece of junk.  My favorite is when he tears up the lawn equipment and gives it to Kevin in a 100 pieces and says "can you fix this".  Of course Kevin has been lucky so far and is able to fix everything he thinks was broken and tore up.  Weed eater, my mom's sewing machine, the lawn mower, the garage door opener, the Lazyboy chair, just to name a few.  He even had me buy him a new Lazyboy chair - insisted I take the old one, and its fine - so now I have a "new" recliner in my den.

I am so blessed to have a husband that is tolerate of these "broken" things and fixes them happily.  He will drop whatever he is doing to go to my dad's in a second.  I think my dad has my phone number on speed dial (if he knew what that was) and I am happy that he does call me when he needs something.  I moved here to take care of my parents, and I will continue to be at his beck and call as long as I am able.

My dad pretending to watch the Browns and read the paper - BUSTED!!!!!

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