Thursday, October 25, 2012

Newspaper, Breakfast, and Coffee

I am an avid newspaper reader.  My day starts out with breakfast, 1 1/2 cups of coffee (don't tell the Gastrologist)  and the newspaper.  If one is missing, it ruins my day.  Today I read this, I will call it a little poem, and wanted to share it with you all.  I have many of these that I will probably share along the way.

The Broken Chain

"We little knew that morning God was going to call your name,

In life we loved you dearly,
In death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
You did not go alone.
For part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.
You left us beautiful memories,
Your love is still our guide,
And although we cannot see you,
You are always at our side.
Our family chain is broken, 
And nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us one by one,
The chain will link again."
 -Author Unknown

I was looking through a folder the other day and found this.  My dad had sent it to me in a letter when he was 57 years old (he is 80 now).  

"Hypothetical Self-Epitaph"

"What if I just caved in, gave out, pulled over to the side of the road of life, expired like an old driver's license?"
"You might say he didn't get far in 57 years.  But I'd say that's alright, it was the worlds longest trip on an empty tank."

Now my last one I want to share.  Some know, some don't.  I had a daughter born Oct. 27th, 1977.  She was born with Cerebral Palsy.  She died on Sept. 25, 1983.  She was a very special girl.  A teacher from her school gave this to me.  This is also for my "sister" Rae.

Heaven's Very Special Child

By Enda Massimilla

A meeting was held quite far from earth!

It's time again for another birth.
Said the Angels to the Lord above,
This Special Child will need much love.
His progress may be very slow,
Accomplishment he may not show.
And he'll require extra care
From the folks he meets down there.
He may not run or laugh or play;
His thoughts may seem quite far away.
In many ways he won't adapt,
And he'll be known as handicapped.

So let's be careful where he's sent.

We want his life to be content.
Please, Lord, find the parents who
Will do a special job for You.

They will not realize right away

The leading role they're asked to play.
But with this child sent from above
Comes stronger faith and richer love.

And soon they'll know the privilege given

In caring for their gift from Heaven.
Their precious charge, so meek and mild,
Is Heaven's Very Special Child.


  1. Crap, Vicki!! You should have warned me to have Kleenex ready!!

  2. Thank You sista!! That was lovely, you made me cry. <3
