Saturday, October 27, 2012

Best Friend, Love of my Life, Hubby

Today is Kevin's day to be the subject.  We have been best friends since 1977.  He has been the love of my life since 1982.  He has been my hubby since Dec. 15, 1982.  He is my second husband (first one HUGE, GIGANTIC mistake). I am his third wife.  Third time is charm for sure for him.  Well I'm sure that is the way he sees it. LOL

He spent 20 years in the US Air Force, and we neither one regretted a minute of it.  He spent 18 of his 20 years at Scott AFB, IL.  When we got married Jeff was 7 and Jenny was 5.

One thing I always say about him and his work, "he keeps me in the way I have become accustomed".  Now since he was an aircraft mechanic (enlisted) I am not used to allot, so that isn't hard to do.  I am low maintenance, and HATE shopping.  My favorite store is Lowes first and Home Depot second.  Mall about LAST on my list.

We love to do our own home remodeling and maintaining.  We love to work outside and keep everything looking very manicured.  Inside our house looks the same after we clean as before.  He is a very hard worker, has been and always will be.

He loves to travel, me not so much.  He loves to drive - I love to be the passenger.  Now that my dad travels with us allot - we have two that loves to be the passenger.  Kevin has taken me to many places thanks to Flight Options.  He had to go to Las Vegas once for 10 days to work at that facility.  I tagged along.  He took me to the Hoover Dam, and I was not impressed.  Told him we have a damn in WV less than a mile from our house.  Seen one.  He had to go work in New Jersey for 10 days and took me to see the Statue of Liberty.  Was not impressed.  But I said that was my parents fault for not taking me when I was little.  LOL  It just looks so grand on TV, and in person - kind of a small green thing.

We both love country music and bluegrass music.  Conway Twitty has always been my favorite.  He took me to Twitty City on our honeymoon.  And thanks to my cousin Becky - her and Rick drove us around seeing stars homes, and William Lee Golden was coming down his drive after his girlfriend.  Me and her are sitting there was so much fun.  I will never forget that.

Kevin is very attentive to detail.  He has an awesome hobby that I love the benefit of.  He takes cement figures for outside, stepping stones, anything that needs to be painted and it looks awesome when he gets done.  We display it out in front of our house.

Our friend, Sonny, had this in a pile of stuff to get thrown away when we went over to help him with his snow blower.  It was a plain cement figure in need of some TLC and Kevin was just the one to give it.  

I will post some more when I find them in the mess I have of pictures.  Someday my goal is to organize those.


  1. I love that girl statue! Great job, Kevin!

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