Monday, October 22, 2012


The grocery store was so crowded Saturday - you'd think it was Super Bowl weekend.  I only stopped to pick up a few things since we were going right by there.  I hate to make a special trip as expensive as gas is. We had 12 items just like the Express Sign said.  But I have to wonder if people really know how to count.  That would be all your fingers and two toes if that is your system for figuring out 12.  Twelve is NOT 6 bags and $55 worth like the lady two in front of us.  As if she thought no one behind her can count.  I guess I am a "rules" person of sorts.  And I'm also a Karma person.

I for some reason, am stuck on the word Karma.  I try to treat people the way I like to be treated.  And for me Karma is it.  If I say something or do something out of line - Kevin will just say KARMA - and I automatically lose that thought.  Some people just don't see it.  But it is clear to me.  Those that constantly are mean or say mean things and then something bad happens in their life they are always quick to blame someone else.  I always think KARMA, what did I do or say to make this happen to me.  I try to look at myself as the culprit, because I believe you control your destiny with what you believe in and how you do and react and act in general.

I have a great husband that mostly keeps me grounded.  Sometimes we all could use some grounding.  My goal had been when I started this blog to blog daily.  I always have lots to say, but by the time I get to the laptop I forget the subject or ran out of time for the day.

Since I started this blog in January, Kevin has left Flight Options to live his dream of retirement.  Not exactly the retirement we were hoping for.  Now we take care to make sure my dad is okay - and I do not feel comfortable leaving the area without my dad.  So we all go to WV and spend some time together and that is as far as we go for now.  My dad says we all will be going deer hunting the week of Thanksgiving in WV.  I sure hope that is true.  I would love to go to WV for a week, deer hunting or otherwise.  We have an awesome wood burning stove in the house we stay in.  My dad says he misses his TV though when he is down there.  I miss nothing about TV, computer, phone or shopping.  I love the silence, peacefulness, how laid back everything and everyone is.  My favorite spot is sitting on the back porch in the "Queen Chair".  Kevin had worked on this glider lawn chair for many visits down there and when he finished it - he dubbed it the Queen Chair.  How cute.   

Kevin was lucky enough to be pursued by a company that appreciates his talent and hired him to work part time from home for them developing Aircraft Maintenance Training when he left Flight Options.  He works for CAE - a Canadian Company.  That gives us some "play" money and him the flexibility we need to be there for my dad 24/7, if need be.

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