Monday, October 29, 2012


My niece said to me a few years back - I have 100 best friends.  I thought REALLY????  100 Besties????  Then I wondered if I even had 100 friends, counting best friends.  LOL  We have buds, peeps, neighbors, sistas, co-workers, classmates, acquaintances, buddies, and many others.  Some pull double duty.  A friend is "a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard".  Okay I do have over 100 friends.  Maybe even some I consider my friend and they have no idea I feel that way.

I got a surprise phone call from one of my best buds also a best friend, John, in Missouri last night that reminded me of how many people have touched my life and continue to touch it.  I moved to Ohio 12 years ago and was hanging with my dad at Hardee's and one of the guys said they just met me but could talk to me like we've known each other our whole life.  If you know me, you know I am a good listener.  If you don't really know me, you think I talk allot.  He called me gifted - and to this day my husband still does.  LOL  My mother always said, me and my dad have never met a stranger.

Being a military spouse, so many people come and go in your life.  My best friend, Mary, I met when my daughter was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy - her daughter had Spina Bifida.  We instantly became friends and since 1977 we have been best friends.  I've gotten to see her about 4 or 5 times since I left IL, but not nearly enough.  We talk on the phone and are trying to make plans to see each other again.  There are many more best friends that I still keep in contact with from our military days.  The military is a really special "family".

John I've known since the middle 80's.  One time on my birthday, Kevin had to go to college (he was taking weekend classes to get his Master's Degree).  So John took me to a Bison Ranch and they had a buffet of all bison and tours, but they had no running water.  I guess this must of been an issue for me as John always laughs cause I made him stop and let me wash my hands on the way home.

Since Facebook has came into my life - I keep up with allot of friends and family.  I do, however, cringe when I read something on Facebook that should of been told in person first to certain people.  I have met a girl, Rae, playing my game.  We instantly bonded, never met in person, but have allot in common, and we now feel like we are "chosen" sisters.  Amazing how that happens, and you are touched by such a sweet person that you never met.  She lives not to far from where I moved here from.  So maybe when we go back to visit someday we will finally meet.

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